Professional Affiliations

  • APAP Conference Committee

    Arts Midwest Conference Professional Development Resource Committee

    Western Arts Alliance Conference Professional Development Committee

    Western Arts Alliance 35Below Committee

    Face Forward Advisory Council (Minneapolis-based arts organization)

  • APAP Conference Session: Community Engagement: A Peer-to-Peer Exchange, 2020

    APAP Conference Session: Communal Curation: Various Voices at the Table, 2018

    APAP Conference Session: Engaging the Public: Performance in Alternative Spaces, 2017

    Groove With Me (nonprofit in Harlem addressing youth development through dance), 2016

    Arts Midwest Conference Session: The Art of Arts Learning, 2016

    Dance/NYC Symposium, One-on-One Consultations, 2015 - 2016

    APAP Conference Session: Benefits of Presenting Social Dance-Based Companies, 2015

    Metropolitan State University, Saint Paul, MN: Cross-Cultural Communications course, 2012

    Macalester College, Saint Paul, MN: Global Studies course, 2012

    University of Minnesota, School of Music: Community Engagement course, 2012

  • APAP’s Community Engagement Affinity Group meetings, 2021 - 2023

    Performing Arts Exchange’s Women’s Pre-Conference Forum, 2018

    Western Arts Alliance Conference Session: Engaging the Next Gen of Leaders, 2015

    ISPA Conference Roundtable Discussion: Programming by Long-Table, 2017

  • National Endowment for the Arts’ Grants for Arts Projects, 2020

    Alabama State Council on the Arts’ Project Grant, 2020

    Creative Capitol Award, 2018

    South Arts Performing Arts Touring Grant, 2018

    University of Alabama at Birmingham’s Student Excellence Awards, 2017

    Metropolitan Regional Arts Council of Minnesota, Arts Learning and Arts Project Grants, 2010 - 2012

  • Funding from U.S. Embassy in Stockholm to attend ISPA conference in Malmö, Sweden, 2015

    NYU Tisch School of the Arts, Performance Studies Department Scholarship, 2013

    Americans for the Arts Convention and Emerging Leaders Preconference, 2012

  • APAP Coalition – Cervantino Festival, Guanajuato, Mexico, 2019

    Fellow, International Society of Performing Arts, 2015

    APAP Emerging Leadership Institute, 2015

    Indigenous Performance Symposium, 2015


Instagram: @ladyamos8

Amy’s Resume